Thursday, April 3, 2008

The CVS Launch

I might as well christen Frugal Breeni today and get this party started.

For those that follow my original blog, Breeni Books, you know that I have a crazy book obsession.

But what you might not realize is that I have another passion, and that's saving money. I love making frugality into a fun game.

I've already got quite a few Frugal gurus in my Reader, which I'll be adding to a blogroll soon. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have a frugal blog or know of a great one I should add.

The reason why I chose today to launch Frugal Breeni is simple: CVS. I've been drooling over all of the great deals I'm reading about people using their Extra Care Bucks to finagle, so I am taking the plunge.

I've sent my husband out the door with a shopping list, an Extra Care card, and a handful of coupons. Let's see what he comes back with, shall we?

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